For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export
For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export
For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export
For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export
For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export
For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export
For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export
  • 国别: 中国
  • 类型: 油船
  • 长度: 0米
  • 航区: 近海
  • 宽度: 0米
  • 船级社: ZC
  • 高度: 0米
  • 年龄: 2007年
  • 吃水: 0米



更新时间:2024-06-30 17:48:06     浏览:77 次

  • 111049
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    主机型号:主机型号:陕柴8DKM-28 主机额定功率:2500.00KW

    发电机型号:主机型号:陕柴8DKM-28 主机额定功率:2500.00KW

    发电机功率:主机型号:陕柴8DKM-28 主机额定功率:2500.00KWKW

    For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export 出售:7800吨在航油船 建造年月:2007年 建造地:浙江 船级社:ZC 航 区:近海 船舶尺寸:总长122.96m/ 船宽16.80m/型深9.20m/ 满 载 吃 水:7.39m/ 空载吃水:4.40m/ 参考载重吨:7800吨 货舱数量:12 结构:双壳双底 主机型号:陕柴8DKM-28 主机额定功率:2500.00KW 总吨 / 净吨:4950T/2750T/ 配套全封闭救生艇。适合外贸出口。 Tel:0086-13685096458郭经理 【福安鸿诚船舶贸易有限公司】 专业经营二手船舶买卖交易、船舶评估、船舶修造、船舶买卖进出口交易一站式服务。

    For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export For sale: 7,800 tons of oil tanker, built in China in 2007, suitable for foreign trade export