• [ 船舶出租 ] 2018-02-04
  • [ 船舶出租 ] 2017-01-23
    出<span>租拖轮</span> 1200---7000马力 全回转拖轮
  • [ 船舶求租 ] 2016-01-08
    <br/>尼日利亚海上油田项目招标,租用拖轮,合同期2+1年, 2016年上半年招标,下半年用船,船舶详细需求信息如 下: (A)minal Support Tug Vessels BHP’s: Greater than 7,000(马力大于7000) Vessel not more than five (5) years old at the start of operations(船龄不超过5年) Draft: Maximum draft shall be 4.5m(最大吃水4.5 米) Bollard pull: Not less than 85 metric tons(系桩拉 力:不少于85吨) Dynamic positioning: DP2.(动力定位:DP2) Accommodation for not less than 30 Company personnel(为不少于30公司人员住宿) (B) Platform Supply Vessels of the following specification: Vessel not more than five (5) years old at the start of operations(船龄不超过5年) Dynamic positioning: DP2 (sensors and monitoring as per class 2 requirements)(动力定位:DP2)(传 感器和监控每个类2的要求) Draft: Must be less than or equals to 4.5m(最大吃 水4.5米) Speed not less than 15 knots.(速度不低于15节) Accommodation for not less than 10 Company personnel(为不少于10公司人员住宿) (C) Line Handling Tug (LHT) &#183; Free deck space must be greater than 100m2.(可 使用甲板面积不小于100平方米) &#183; Speed not less than 12knots(速度不低于12节) &#183; Bollard Pull capacity [between 50-55t](带缆桩 拉能力)(50T-55T之间) &#183; Sufficient fuel capacity to sustain 30days without refueling.(续航能力30天)
  • [ 船舶求租 ] 2015-11-22
    <br/>1) 2 units tug boat with the capacity of 1000 to 1200 hp year build 2010 . 2) 3 units 250 footer steel flat top barge with 4 anchor position 2 fwd &amp; 2 aft (without side board) to load crawler cranes and other heavy equipments onboard weight approx 150 tons. Year build 2010. 3) 1 unit accommodation barge approx. pax. 30 persons. 联系电话:13699586397 韩先生 邮箱:Indonesia@boecorp.cn
  • [ 船舶出租 ] 2014-03-03
    <br/>本公司拥有多条900马力以上拖轮,长期从事工程拖带等作 业。
  • [ 船舶出租 ] 2014-02-19
    <br/>长期出租出售全回转拖轮及普通拖轮 低马力的 1-1000吨 浮吊船舶 承接 海上码头安装 跨桥安装 海上打捞 等工程 TEL 138.6038.9906 183.5033.3359 刘先生