• [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-29
    1997年韩国造 Built: 12/1997 at Daewoo Heavy Industries Ltd DNV 船级社 特检 Dec 27/ 坞检 Dec 27 (BWTS fitted)) 载重吨 34,083 DWT ,吃水11.40 m draft L.O.A.: 208.00 m, Beam: 29.80 m 主机 Sulzer (6RTA72U) - 24,391 BHP @ 97 RPM 装箱量 2,456 TEU 重箱 1,798 @ 14t 冷柜 Reefers 200 plugs 吊机Cranes 3 x 40 mts (partly geared) 轻吨 LDT: 10,705   C/Free dely Oct 24 (prob in UK) 联络13823383044
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-29
    Dimensions LOA总厂 LBP两柱间长 Beam (mould)型宽 Mould depth(型 深) Designed Draft (设计 IMO-No.IMO号码 HomePort 船籍港 : 18711 / 10478 : 29901.3 dwt at -draft abt. 10.1 m : 2022-06-27 – Yizheng JS, China : 167.55m : 163.00m : 27.3m : 14 m : 10.1m :4328839 :Panama Water ballast max. 压载水量(最大) Freshwater max. 淡水量(最大) Bunkers IFO重油 MDO轻油 : 9561.82M3 : 214.52M3 : 658.14M3 : 321.90M3 Container intake:集装箱装载量 20’ 40’ 376 FEU + xx TEU 444 FEU + xx TEU 8 2 0 FEU + xx TEU 联络13823383044
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-29
    出售26000吨 集装箱船 TEU1366 建造时间:2021年 总长/船宽/型深: 159.6m/26.8m/15.6m 满载吃水:11m 满载排水量:35481.1 空载排水量:8801.6 参考载货量:26000吨 双底双壳 货舱数量:4舱4口 舱盖:没有舱盖 航区:沿海 船级社:ZC 总吨/净吨:17896/10021 主机:广柴9G32/4400kw1台 总箱位1366标箱 联络:13823383044
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-29
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-29
    出售:4200T(275TEU)近洋港澳线集装箱船。 建造日期/地点:2007年/中国造。 主机:广柴2800马力。 油耗:重油6.5T/天-轻油0.6T/天。 航速:11.5节。 船级社:CCS。 旗帜:五星红旗。 航区:A1+A2。 总箱量:274个(20尺),舱里124个/甲板150个;116个(40尺),舱里56个/甲板60个。 冷藏柜12个;14T重箱171个。
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-28
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-27
  • [ 船舶求购 ] 2024-07-26
    求购集装箱 船只 1000TEU 无限航区
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-25
    LOA总厂 LBP两柱间长 Beam (mould)型宽 Mou ld dept h (型 深) Designed Draft (设计 吃水) : 167.55m : 163.00m : 27.3m : 14 m : 10.1m Max. height : about 44 M (From even keel to top of antenna) 最大高度(龙骨至船舶最高处) Tank capacities (abt.100 % filled)仓容信息 Water ballast max. 压载水量(最大) Freshwater max. 淡水量(最大) Bunkers IFO重油 MDO轻油 : 9561.82M3 : 214.52M3 : 658.14M3 : 321.90M3 Container intake: 集 装 箱 装 载 量 20’ 40’ In holds舱内 On deck甲板 768 TEU 899TEU 376 FEU + xx TEU 4 4 4 FEU + xx TEU Total合计 1667TEU 8 2 0 FEU + xx TEU High cube containers (9’6” high):高箱装载能力 3 tiers of high cube container can be loaded in each holds每个货舱内可装载3层9’6”高箱 Stability condition:稳性状态 Intakes are always subject to vessel’s stability, trim, deadweight, permissible stack weights, exact container weights, container lashing manual, subject to regulations of visibility and at Master’s discretion. 装载量始终限于船舶的稳定性、纵倾、载重量、允许的堆叠重量、准确的集装箱重量、 集装箱捆扎手册,并受能见度规定的约束,由船长决定。 Reefer connections:冷藏箱插座 60 reefer plugs on deck甲板60个 0 reefer plugs in hold (No.1~5 hold):货舱内0个 6 0 reefer plugs total (AC 380 V 50Hz) 合计60个(AC 380 V 50Hz) Stack weights积载重量 Container stack weights (all in metric tons per stack) 集装箱积载重量(公吨/积载) In hold货舱内 NO.1 20’ /40’ : 5X25=125MT(40ft on top),6X15=90MT/6X30=180MT, NO.2~NO.5 20’/40’: 4X30=120MT(40fT on top), 5x20=100MT/ 5X30=150MT Hatch cover舱盖 20’ /40’ : 65MT/90MT Distribution of container weights within a single 20’/40’ stack on deck to comply with the board manual for stowage and lashing of containers 甲板上单个20'/40'堆垛内集装箱重量的分配,以符合集装箱装载和绑扎手册 Fittings其他 • Fully cellularized in holds for 40’ containers. Alternatively 2 x 20’ units can be stowed into each 40’ compartment. 货舱内均为40’集装箱装载单元。或者,每个40’单元可存放2 x 20’单元 • Vessel is fully fitted with loose lashing materials, fittings and stacking cones for 20’ and 40’ units under and on deck (half-automatic twistlocks) 船舶完全配备捆扎材料、配件和扭锁, 用于甲板上下的20’和40’集装箱(半自动扭锁) • Fully equipped with all modern nautical / communication systems 5 holds /9 hatches(No. 1hold has 1 hatch, others have 2 Cherry13823383044
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-25
    出售4400吨 集装箱船 225TEU 建造年月:2010 建造地:中国安徽 船级社:CCS 总长96.2宽15m/型深65m 满载吃水:4.1m 参考载重吨:4400吨 货舱:2 结构:双底 主机型号:潍柴6200*2 主机功率:350KW*2 总吨/净吨:3265/1825 航区:沿海 财富热线:15967021795 王先生
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-25
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-24
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-23
    出售30000吨集装箱船 2024年造 CCS 近海 建造年月:2024年 建造地:福州 船级社:CCS 总长167.5m/宽25.3m/深13.3m 满 载 吃 水:9.5m 参考载重吨:30000吨 货舱数量:10 航 区:近海 主 机:广柴8320 主机功率:5000KW 定员21人,20尺柜 ,1498TUE 40尺柜 740FEU cherry13823383044
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-21
    Sale: 10567 tons of multi-purpose ship, made in China in 2005, 492TEU, classification agency CCS 出售10567吨在航多用途集装箱船 总装载标箱:492TEU• 舱内:240TEU•      舱盖上:252TEU• 2005年11月浙江建造/ 航   区:近海/A1+A2/CCS船级社/ 总长126.30m/    船宽18.60m/ 型深10.10m/       满载吃水7.80m/ 主机型号:陕柴6PC2-5L型 2868KW.3900马力*1台 货舱数量:3个/ 舱盖液压顶立式钢质风雨密/ 总吨/净吨:7276t/4075t/ 在航船舶,船况质量很好/ 客户咨询请联系☎️13685096458郭经理 【福安鸿诚船舶贸易有限公司】 专业经营二手船舶买卖交易、船舶评估、船舶修造、船舶买卖进出口交易一站式服务。
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-19
    出售:6700多用途船(集散两用) 建造时间:2005年 船级社/航区: ZC/近海 总吨/净吨:3953T/2213T 总长:103.8m/宽:16.1m/型深:7.8m 满载吃水:6.15m 主机:宁动2000KW/2720马力 舱盖:吊离 装箱量:410TEU 备注:双壳结构,质优价廉 编号:409 咨询:18150638535李经理 网址:www.fzxhship.com 福州星河船舶有限公司 船舶设计、船舶代建 船舶买卖、大件运输
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-18
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-16
    For sale: 4,500 tons of double-shell multi-purpose ship, made in Zhejiang, China in 2007, classification agency CCS. 232TEU。 出售:4500吨在航多用途集装箱船 2007年浙江建造 装载标箱:232TEU 航 区:近海 船级社:CCS 总吨:2975T. 净吨1666T. 船舶尺寸:总长97.15m/船宽14.2m/ 型深7.2m/满载吃水5.7m/ 货舱数量:2舱/ 主机型号:宁波中策G8300型 1765KW*2400马力*1台 舱盖:船上自有龙门吊离式/ 装箱量:舱内114TEU/甲板:118TEU/ 总箱位:232TEU/ 船况质量非常好/ 下次换证特检:2027年4月 Tel:+8613685096458郭经理 【福安鸿诚船舶贸易有限公司】 专业经营二手船舶买卖交易、船舶评估、船舶修造、船舶进出口买卖交易一站式服务。
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-16
    description for your reference: Fully cellular gearless 1096 TEU Container Flag :PANAMA Home Port : PANAMA Class :LR GT / NT : 9562 / 4523 Deadweight : 9.726 tdw at Design-draft abt. 7,40 m / 11817MT at Scantling-draft abt. 8.20 m Built : 27 February 2023 – Kyokuyo Shipyard Corp Japan Hull No. : S-567 MMSI No. : 352002368 Dimensions LOA LBP Beam (moulded) Draft (ssw) : 141.93 m : 133.00 m : 22.50 m : 7,40 m Max. height : 43.86M (From even keel to top of antenna) Tank capacities (abt. 100 % filled) Waterballast max. Freshwater max. Bunkers IFO MDO : 4000 cbm : 170 cbm : 800cbm : 90 cbm Container intake:20’ 40’ In holds /On deck 312 TEU /784 TEU - 144 FEU + 24 TEU 370 FEU + 35 TEU Total 1096 TEU 514 FEU + 59 TEU High cube containers (9’6” high): 2 tiers of high cube container can be loaded in each holds, total 174TEU. Stability condition: 650 TEU x 14 mtons hom. Intakes are always subject to vessel’s stability, trim, deadweight, permissible stack weights, exact container weights, container lashing manual, subject to regulations of visibility and at Master’s discretion. Reefer connections: 94 reefer plugs on deck 56 reefer plugs in hold (No.5~7 hold) 150 reefer plugs total (AC 440 V 60Hz) Stackweights Container stackweights (all in metric tons per stack) In hold 20’ /40’ : 96MT/136MT Hatch cover 20’ /40’ : 72MT/91.5MT Distribution of container weights within a single 20’/40’ stack on deck to board manual for stowage and lashing of containers approved by Lloyd. comply with the Fittings • Fully cellularized in holds for 40’ containers. Alternatively 2 x 20’ units can be stowed into each 40’ compartment. • Vessel is fully fitted with loose lashing materials, fittings and stacking cones for 20’ and 40’ units under and on deck (full-automatic twistlocks) • Fully equipped with all modern nautical / communication systems 7 holds / 7 hatches – Weathertight steel pontoon type hatch cover, 2-panels for each hatch (Non-sequential open/close) Cargo hatch dimensions: NO.1 : L*B 12.6m*13.10m/8.00m NO.2 : L*B 12.6m*18.20m/13.10m NO.3~ NO.7: L*B 12.6m*18.20m Dangerous Cargo: The vessel is able to carry dangerous goods in holds and on deck in packed condition according to Solas regulation II-2/54 and in accordance with the Document of Compliance for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods. Speed / Consumption All figures are about and based on good weather conditions and smooth sea maximum Beaufort 2 and maximum Douglas Sea State 2, and basis design draft on even keel, in deep water with clean bottom and currentless waters, maximum 28 degr. Celsius ME consumption: Max 19.0 knots (@131rpm) on 33.46mtons IFO 380 Serv. 17.1 knots (@118rpm) on 24.31mtons IFO 380 Eco. 15.1 knots (@104rpm) on 18.30mtons IFO 380 Auxiliary consumption: At sea: About 2 mt IFO 380 CST (without reefer/cargo hold ventilation) In port: About 3 mt IFO 380 CST (without reefer/ventilation) Vessel’s auxiliaries are designed to run on IFO 380 CST but depending on load conditions and circumstances and at Chief Engineer's sole discretion, auxiliaries may burn MDO. MDO may be consumed for safety reasons. Charterers to provide sufficient quantity of MDO/MGO during sea passages for operating auxiliaries / generators in case of an emergency. Auxiliary consumptions given above are in addition to that mentioned for the main engine. Endurance: Abt. 10,200 N.M. at service speed of 18.0 knots. Engine MAN B&W 6S46ME-B8.5 M.C.O. 7300KW @129.0 rpm C.S.O. 6570KW @124.5 rpm ECO. 3870KW @108rpm Bow Thruster with 690 kW 3 x Diesel Generators with 600 KW 1 x Emergency Generator with 120 KW Mobile:13505803251(wechat)
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-14
    .出售10500吨06年造近海多用途船。可装集装箱或干散杂货。 规格:139.8*19.8*9.8*吃水7.3 主机:宁动2970KW。 仓盖:岸吊。 箱量:650个 船检:CCS。 特检:2026年
  • [ 船舶出售 ] 2024-07-12
    For sale: 6653 tons of multi-purpose ship, made in Zhejiang, China in 2020, 273TEU 出售 20年浙江造6653吨多用途船 装载集装箱:273TEU 航区:近海 船级社:ZC 总吨:4391T 净吨:2459T 船舶尺寸:99.98m/18.2m/7.8m 货仓数量:2 仓 容: 8550M3 舱盖形式:折叠式钢质风雨密 满载吃水:6.20m 主机型号:博洋6N280ZLC-12 主机功率:2207KW 设计航速: 11.5KN 注:证书有效期至2025年2月/ Tel:+8613685096458郭经理 【福安鸿诚船舶贸易有限公司】 专业经营二手船舶买卖交易、船舶评估、船舶修造、船舶买卖进出口交易一站式服务。